Saturday, February 6, 2010

Codes For Hide Status And Mood I Need A Myspace Code To Hide My Status And Mood?

I need a myspace code to hide my status and mood? - codes for hide status and mood

Does anyone know a site with a?


Samantha... said...

\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; style>
. Katamari Section Manager
() Http: / / / Section Manager
* Table.profileInfo (background-color: transparent;)
span.nametext (font-family: Tahoma! important;
font-size: 20px! important;)
table.profileInfo td B (display: none;)
td span table.profileInfo TD (display: none;)
table.profileInfo td td.text span (display: inline;)
table.profileInfo td img (display: none;)
table.profileInfo td.text img (display: inline;)
table.profileInfo td td.text span (display: none;)
td.text span.msOnlineNow table.profileInfo TD (display: inline;)
. extendedNetwork (display: none;)
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt; / style>

This is for 1.0 to get the ID and fulfill

In 2.0, you change the settings for the owner on your profile instead of your situation and mood. This can be done by the custom side.

♥TheCROW... said...

whether the application of Article 1, in the mood, only the state to conceal the WAN Ur So

If your mood with condition 2 Ur headlines.

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